The biggest asset for any company is its employees and it is very important to retain the talent.

It is pertinent that in order to perform to the best of ability, the employee must remain healthy. However, certain health emergencies hit hard and all the hard-earned money goes into such emergencies. But health insurance coverage comes to the rescue at such times.
“ In the recent corona crisis, where treatments have created heavy holes in the pockets of the common many”
In view of this, the government had mandated that the organization's shall provide their employees with Group Health Medical Plan. The Plan not only contributes to the well-being of the employees and their families but also to the growth of the organization.
" Covering employees under the benefits of GMC creates a sense of belonging and trust in the company which is extremely important in today’s competitive market. "
Your company is as good as the team you build; therefore it is necessary to recruit and retain valuable employees. The office culture and the benefits provided by the company matter immensely.
" This helps in motivating the employee and bringing out the best performance. Companies offering health insurance typically retain talent thereby reducing the cost of recruitment and training. "
Apart from boosting the motivation employee health insurance also helps you take advantage of tax benefits for your small business. The employee health scheme offers the opportunity to avail tax breaks while you make employees financially secure in case of health issues.
Therefore, for organization's looking to expand their business, Group Health Insurance Policy is an excellent opportunity to protect their workforce and help motivate them, especially during medical emergencies. We at CKP strive in providing customized policies as per the best interests of your company and employees, and that you understand the benefits of the plan before you opt for the right plan for your company.
How Do WE help you?
We at CKP assist you in providing Endowment Policy adhering to your needs and requirements. We do understand the importance of a swift response and also assist you in getting your claims approved in a brisk too.
Book an appointment with us to understand more about the benefits .You can reach out to us at or +91 9920099273.